Covid-19 as the new disruption of the world economy: the opportunity that brings us to another level

Many times I have thought students and seminar participants that pandemic diseases could be a big problem for the global economy and business. But not very often we could bring concrete examples how it could be. Today we have to live with this at the global level and totally rethink how we can act, do our business and bring value to the people. More and more European states are declaring state of emergency, including Moldova, cancelling almost all conventional methods of doing business, while German experts tells us that COVID-19 could last for 2 years.

But here we have more opportunities for thinking about other values that very often we neglected and already learn the following lessons:

  • The world is changing more and more with the new IT technologies and communication, and the local problems are already a problem of anybody;
  • Not every-time will be like yesterday in terms of socializing, working and living;
  • With IT technologies, Internet of Information and Internet of Things we can overcome pandemic diseases working at home and be more close to our families (families must every-time be one of the highest values in our life), but it prevents us from the opportunities to work in teams and learn from observation of things and interaction with other people; this is one of the greatest ways of discover thinks;
  • Again IT solution will prove to the world that it could be the most efficient solution in case of emergency and pandemic threats, still artificial intelligence could not take decisions and identify solutions as human are able to do in new disruptions; Google already proved that even with 16,000 processors and analysis of 10 million materials the computer still can not 100% identify a cat, a task that easily is made by a child of 4 years;
  • While working at home and enjoy the lunch with your families, I think it is time to learn, contemplate on the real values and virtues, reading books to help getting out the box and see the opportunities in new realities;
  • I am really encouraged to see the solidarity and how the Moldovan Government is undertaking measures, banks are rescheduling the loans and postponing the interest rates for at least 3 months, the business community is giving donations to the hospitals, bringing fresh and warm food to the doctors and nurses who are fighting to save the life of people, taxi companies are offering more than 100 taxis and drivers for free to the hospitals and act immediately if they identify a new case of COVID-19;
  • Hope that soon there will be a shift in the society perception that corruption and self-interest are not in the highlights of the newspaper, but solidarity, responsibility, and mentality oriented to find solutions and be excellent; this is the best time to show that you as a leader or as businessmen are excellent;
  • I never thought that strong countries of G-7 with the most powerful army and military arsenal in the world, that could destroy anything on our planet many folds, with the most advanced research centers and medical technologies in the world, with the never strong like today WHO international organization, could not stop or save the life of all people who already died of a flu and a simple, but novel virus, despite all contradictions of its outbreak; something must be worked out for the future international security; WHO needs and we need for the future much quicker responses with the same measures undertaken today in case the first outbreak of a pandemic disease will be identified, and we already have experience;
  • The consequences of today situation are more resonant than September 11 and the financial crisis from 2008 because these disruptions didn’t put countries of Europe, of Asia and of America to declare state of emergency, close their borders, cancel all flights and public transportation, close all the schools and public buildings, shops, church services and public events;
  • It is highly likely that the future international security conferences will tackle the Syrian or Afghan problems, oil or territorial problems, but more the focus will be on the security of every people and their fundamental rights;
  • Of course soon there will be a significant shift in our way of doing business in terms of online sales, online customer care, delivery, payment, online marketing, training and education, travel policies and transportation, public events; I hope all of this will make our world more secure and more ecological friendly;
  • This crisis shows us already that we could live in another way: fresh air in our big cities, silence is overwhelming us, pure and crystal water in the channels of Venice, the precaution on the streets is as never before, companies and people are obeying any rules the state and authorities are asking, the solidarity of the people is as never before, political and geopolitical enemies are less and less; it is time to rethink our goals, methods and to protect and strive for the main values: solidarity, peace, hope, faith, honesty, responsibility, and fear of God, Who is in control when our human measures are failing;
  • Now it is no time for luxury things, comfort zones, things of carnal lust, but is time to change things in our lives and look for virtues, good relations with people and your family as well as spiritual growth, and this difficult situation offers you the best chance;
  • On the other side, I know that many will lose their faith and hope, fall in carnal lust, and destroy relations, as search for pornography and perverted things is increasing these days and even some adult sites are offering free access to Italians in order to entertain them while staying at home; may be conflicts will raise at home between family members, but Bible is saying through the Epistle of Jacob: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life which the Lord hath promised to those who love Him.”

I hope that this pandemic disease will bring people together where they need to be, and the society will grow in its maturity in a digital world. I hope that after two or three months of the close-down of public space, the new generation will be much hunger on people’s relations and real communication. I strongly believe that good relations with people and friendship will be a more important value than the economic and the physical ones. Let us not lose our faith and hope, but to strive for higher solutions and things, that will take us away from this situation to higher levels of cohabitation and social activities.